Settling In
Welcome Home: Navigating Your New Life in Australia
Welcome to Claymore Thistle and welcome to Australia!
We’re so excited that you’ve chosen to call this beautiful country home. We hope you enjoy it here as much as we do.
To help you get started, we’ve compiled some important information that will make settling in easier. If there’s anything else you’d like to see included, feel free to let your relocation agent know—we’re always happy to help!
Navigating the Australian Banking System
Australia’s banking system is primarily run by four major banks: Commonwealth Bank, Westpac, Australia & New Zealand Banking Group and National Australia Bank. You’ll also find smaller banks with a strong presence like Bendigo Bank and Adelaide Bank, and Suncorp. Many large international banks are also available.
What You Need to Open an Australian Bank Account
If you’re moving to Australia, you’ll need a few key documents to open a bank account. Here’s what you’ll need:
- Passport: Your passport is the primary form of identification.
- Visa: Proof of your visa status is required to confirm your residency in Australia.
- Proof of Address: You’ll need a document such as a utility bill or rental agreement to show your current address in Australia. If you’re staying temporarily, a letter from your hotel or temporary accommodation may suffice for some banks.
Timeline for Opening an Account
- Before Arrival: Some of major Australian banks, allow you to open an account online before arriving in Australia. This can be a great way to simplify your move. You’ll be able to deposit money into the account right away, though you’ll need to visit a branch with your identification to activate the account once you arrive.
- After Arrival: You can also open an account in person when you arrive in Australia. The process is straightforward, but you’ll need to take the required documentation (passport, visa, proof of address) to complete the setup. Most banks make it easy to book an appointment online or walk into a local branch.
Additional Services
Once your account is open, Australian banks offer a range of services, including online banking, mobile banking apps, and contactless payment options like payWave. For international transfers, we recommend using specialized foreign exchange services rather than relying on your bank for the best rates and lowest fees. We work closely with Caxton and Send, two trusted services that provide affordable and seamless transfers. You can also check out our blog, “Seven Reasons Not to Use Your Bank for Transferring Money Overseas,” for more information on why using alternative services might be better for you.
understanding Cash and Card Purchases
When shopping in Australia, you’ll notice that cash transactions are often rounded up or down. This is because Australia doesn’t use 1 or 2 cent coins. For example, if your purchase totals $1.98, it will be rounded up to $2; if it’s $1.92, it will be rounded down to $1.90. However, when paying by card, the exact amount is charged every time.
Card payments are widely accepted across the country, and the term EFTPOS (Electronic Funds Transfer at Point of Sale) is commonly used. Most card transactions use payWave (contactless payment) or EFTPOS, and for purchases over $100, you may be required to enter your PIN.
When paying with your debit or credit card, you’ll typically be asked to choose between Credit, Cheque, or Savings:
- Credit: Select this if you’re using a credit card or a debit card that can be processed as credit.
- Cheque: This option is for payments coming from a cheque or everyday transaction account linked to your card.
- Savings: Choose this if the payment will be taken directly from your savings or everyday transaction account.
Always make sure you select the correct account type to avoid confusion and ensure your payment is deducted from the right source.
on the road
Driving in Australia comes with a few unique rules to keep in mind:

U-turns: U-turns are only allowed where there are signs specifically permitting them. If there’s no sign, assume it’s not allowed.

Traffic lights and pedestrians: In Australia, pedestrians often cross the road at the same time as you are permitted to turn at a green light. Always check for pedestrians even when you have a green light..

Undertaking: Be aware that undertaking (overtaking on the inside lane) happens more often than it should in Australia. Always check both sides before changing lanes.

Transferring Your Overseas Driving License
As a new long-term resident of Australia, you’ll need to transfer your international driver’s license to an Australian one after a certain period, typically 3 months from the date you arrive. Here are the basic prerequisites:
- Passport: Proof of identity is required.
- Visa: Documentation confirming your legal residency status.
- Proof of Residence: This could be a utility bill, rental agreement, or similar document showing your Australian address.
- Overseas Driver’s License: Your valid international driver’s license.
You can generally drive on your overseas license for up to 3 months (depending on the state), but after that, you’ll need to transfer it to an Australian license. The process and requirements vary slightly between states, so it’s important to check the specific guidelines for the state where you’ll be living.
For more information, here are links to the transport authorities for each state:
- Queensland: Queensland Transport and Main Roads
- New South Wales: Service NSW
- Victoria: VicRoads
- South Australia: SA.GOV.AU
- Western Australia: WA Department of Transport
- Tasmania: Transport Tasmania
- Northern Territory: NT Government
- Australian Capital Territory: Access Canberra
Be sure to confirm the time limits and additional paperwork required, as these can vary depending on the state or territory you’re in.
For more specific information on driving in Queensland, check out our blog “New to Driving in Queensland? Here’s What You Need to Know About Your International Driver’s License”. It offers valuable insights and practical tips to help you transition smoothly to driving in Australia.

Obviously, you will be spending time at the beaches now you are here.
Most beaches are patrolled and will have a chalk board near the surf life savers that will break down the daily temperature, water conditions and any wildlife concerns.
Please swim between the flags! This area between the flags has been checked for rips and is under supervision by our awesome surf lifesavers.
- Should you get into trouble with a rip ¡ust go with it! Do not try to fight the current as you will lose and tire yourself out.
- Avoid channels of water that appear to have a quick gap in the waves
- If you feel a strong pull whilst in shallow water, get out. A rip is difficult once chest deep Stay Calm. A rip will not drag you under, only out. Good swimmers are not in immediate danger unless they exhaust themselves trying to fight the current.
- Try to signal for help
- Swim parallel to the shore to get out of its path, swim in the direction of the nearest breaking wave.
- Conserve your energy by floating on your bask and when possible swim diagonally back to shore to avoid being pulled back into the rip.
For more information on this visit the Surf Life Saving Beach Safe site

Health Insurance
Private Health Insurance is possibly a requirement of your Visa conditions. UK citizens will also have access to some facilities on the reciprocal Medicare system.
For a decent health fund, it pays to shop around. As with any other industry new customers are rewarded and existing customers are not. Most health funds will do all the changeover for you, so you just have to pick one, and review it annually.
If you do not have private healthcare, you may be penalised at tax time, this is known as the Medicare Levy Surcharge. This is for people who earn above a certain amount so it’s best to check in with the tax office to see if you are included.

Medicare is Australia’s universal health care system.
To find your nearest Medicare centre:
When something is covered in full by Medicare this is called ‘Bulk Billed’. For example, a doctor’s visit will cost you in the vicinity of $70 per visit. Some doctors are Bulk Billed, and this means they bill the government for the whole cost and it is therefore free to you the individual. Most doctors will cover children as bulk billed, but it will vary from one surgery to the next so shop around to pick your doctor.
If a doctor is not bulk billed, you may be able to claim some money back from Medicare. The remainder that you cannot claim back is called ‘The Gap’ For example if a doctor’s visit is $70, Medicare will cover $35 of this, and you will be $35 out of pocket or the gap. What usually happens is that you pay the full amount at the time of your appointment and the money you get back is credited to the bank account you set up with Medicare. This refund normally happens within 24 – 48 hrs.
Dentists will also bulk bill, as will certain opticians, you just need to call around. The services that are free generally have more customers so you will maybe experience a wait time, but this is dependent on the surgery again, so another reason to shop around a bit.
13 Health (tel: 13 43 25 84) are 24 hours, they are fantastic, they will tell you whether or not to visit a hospital if you are in doubt and they have the ability to send a doctor to your home if required.
To find your nearest Medicare centre:

As a tenant, you will most likely only be billed for the actual water you have used, and the water bill every quarter with it clearly highlighted how much your share of the bill is. It is your responsibility to know if there is a leak so we recommend you check your water meter regularly to make sure it is only charging you for your usage and not a sneaky leak. The landlord will be responsible for water and sewer connection fees.

Coles and Woolworths are the main supermarkets. They both have a loyalty card that can be used to accumulate points. We recommend you get both as they both have their advantages.
The other thing we love…..COFFEE!! You will find that coffee if very popular here, along with going out for brekkie (breakfast). You will soon find your favourite shop to get your long black and your latte fix. We can’t recommend one as they are all usually so great it’s impossible to pick.
Keep an eye out for your local farmer’s market. These normally take place on a Saturday or Sunday from around 6am to lunchtime. The markets are normally a great place to get breakfast (and a coffee) and pick up some fresh produce for the week ahead.

Super is your pension fund. It is compulsory here so as soon as you are earning your employer is obligated to send 11% to your nominated Super Fund. If you have not nominated one, most employers will recommend one.
We advise you shop around for a Super Fund once you are settled in and get one tailored to yours and your family’s needs.
Tax File Number (TFN)
Your tax file number (TFN) is your personal reference number in the tax and super systems.
Your TFN is an important part of your tax and super records as well as your identity, so keep it secure.
Your TFN is yours for life. You keep the same TFN even if you change your name, change jobs, move interstate or go overseas.
You don’t have to have a TFN, but without one you pay more tax. You also won’t be able to apply for government benefits, lodge your tax return electronically or get an Australian business number (ABN).
Your employer should assist you with getting a TFN but if you are in any doubt you can check the Australian Taxation office (ATO) website for help.,-permanent-migrants-and-temporary-visitors—tfn-application/
Mobile Phones, Internet & Data
You may be asked how much ‘data’ you want. This is difficult if you are coming from a country where you are maybe used to having unlimited for a monthly fee. Our advice is to get a deal that
you can ramp up as you go. For $40 a month you can get a mobile phone plan that gives you 40GB (which is tonnes), calls abroad, unlimited texts and calls to other AU mobiles. We advise you to start low and increase as you find out how much data you actually use as once you have a plan you are often stuck with it and they probably won’t let you downgrade.
Aussie’s love to shorten everything! Get used to it. Here is our quick guide to what the heck is going on.


Most snake bites happen when people try to kill or capture them. If you come across a snake, don’t panic. Back away to a safe distance and let it move away. Snakes often want to escape when disturbed. A dry bite is when the snake strikes but no venom is released. Dry bites will be painful and may cause swelling and redness around the area of the snake bite. Because you can’t tell if a snake’s bite is a dry bite always assume that you have been in¡cstcd with venom, and manage the bite as a medical emergency. Once medically assessed, there is usually no need for furthcr treatment, such as with antivenom. Many snake bites in Australia do not result in envenomation, and so they can be managed without antivenom. For all snake bites:
Provide emergency care including sardiopulmonary rcsussitation (CPR) ił needed.
Apply a pressure immobilization bandage and keep the person calm and as still as possible until medical help arrives.
Avoid washing the bite arca because any venom left on the skin can help identify the snack.
DO NOT apply a tourniquet, cut the wound or attempt to suck the venom out.
Pressure immobilisation bandage
A pressure immobilization bandage is recommended for anyone bitten by a venomous snake. This involves firmly bandaging the area of the body involved, such as the arm or leg, and keeping the person calm and still until medical help arrives.
Follow these steps to apply a pressure immobilisation bandage:
First put a pressure bandage over the bite itself. It should be tight, and you should not be able to easily slide a finger between the bandage and the skin.
Then use a heavy crepe or elasticised roller bandage to immobilize the whole limb. Start just above the fingers or toes of the bitten limb and move upwards on the limb as far as the body. Splint the limb including joints on either side of the bite.
Keep the person and the limb completely at rest. If possible, mark the site of the bite on the bandage with a pen.
Creepy Crawlies and slithery things
Everyone is aware that Australia has a lot of things that want to kill you. It’s not as bad as everyone makes out though; we just like to do that to scare the newcomers.
Spiders are one of the most seen, least known but most feared of the land animals of Australia. Although all but one family has venom, most are probably quite harmless.
Australia has about 2,000 species of spider, but most are relatively harmless to humans. Funnel-web spiders (indigenous to Sydney) and red-back spiders (found throughout the country) are perhaps the most venomous spiders in Australia.
Since the introduction of antivenom, there have been no recorded deaths in Australia from a confirmed spider bite.
The few Australian spiders that can cause potentially harmful bites include the funnel-web, the mouse, the red-back and the white-tailed spiders. People at greater risk of severe reactions to spider venom include babies, young children, the elderly and people with an existing heart condition.
Some people may also be allergic to certain venom and experience an adverse reaction. Immediate medical treatment is recommended. If in doubt, see your doctor, go to the emergency department of your nearest hospital or
dial triple zero (000) to call an ambulance.
Remember that first aid for a venomous spider bite depends on the species of spider. Suggestions include:

Funnel-web and mouse spider – firmly bandage the affected area. Splint if possible. Make sure the person lies still, because not moving will help to slow the venom moving through the body.
Red-back and white-tailed spider – wash the bitten area thoroughly. Do not bandage because pressure will increase pain. Apply an icepack.
In all cases, never cut a spider bite or tourniquet a limb. Don’t give the person anything to eat or drink. Seek immediate medical help.
If you can, catch the spider and take it with you to hospital so that medical staff can identify the species and quickly administer the correct treatment. Tips on how to safely catch a spider include:
Choose an empty container with a secure lid, like a jar.
Place the container over the spider.
Slide a piece of stiff cardboard beneath the container to seal it.
Hold the cardboard securely and turn the container upside down. The spider should drop to the bottom of the container.
Remove the cardboard and attach the container lid.
If you cannot catch the spider, it will help medical staff if you can describe it. Features to look for include size, colour, bulk and where the spider was when it bit you.
Favoured locations of venomous spiders
To assess your family’s risk of spider bites, familiarise yourself with the kinds of spider that tend to live around your home and garden. Each species of spider has a preferred home or hunting ground.
Signs you should look for include:
Funnel-web – found along the East Coast from Queensland to Tasmania and in some areas of South Australia. It likes to live in holes in moist soil, such as in mulched garden beds. Erratic (rather than symmetrical) web lines may fan out from the hole. Males tend to roam for females in autumn and summer. The funnel web is nocturnal (comes out at night). The male Sydney funnel-web is considered to be Australia’s most dangerous spider and is the only type of funnel-web responsible for recorded human deaths. The Sydney funnel-web is not found in Victoria.
Mouse – found all over Australia. It likes to live near water in ground holes that feature right-angled ‘trap doors’. Males are coloured either red on the jaw or bluish-white on the abdomen. Females are larger than the males.
Red-back – found across Australia but is less common in cooler climates. It looks shiny black with a red or orange marking on the abdomen. Only the female bite is venomous. The red-back does not live in the ground; instead, it chooses ‘man-made’ sheltered areas such as inside sheds or beneath stairs. The web is usually made in the shade. The top of the web contains a thickly spun ‘cone’, where the spider sits. Red backs are not aggressive. Most bites occur when people accidentally put their hand in the web and the spider feels threatened.
White-tailed – found across Australia. It is coloured grey to black with a white patch on the abdomen. It does not build a web. The white-tailed spider is commonly found in cool and tiled areas such as bathrooms and laundries, and may hide inside shoes, clothes and other items left on the floor. Outdoors, it lives under bark and logs and in leaf litter. It is nocturnal.
Common but relatively harmless spiders
Some spiders may look scary but are not dangerous to most people. Common examples include:
blackhouse – found in eastern and southern Australia. It may be found under tree bark and around windowsills. The webs are formed in messy ‘sheets’.
huntsman – likes to live under bark, rocks, and crevices. The two front pairs of legs are much longer than the back two pairs of legs. Despite its size, a huntsman is usually harmless. A bite, however, may cause some swelling and pain.
wolf – found across Australia. It is coloured brown to grey. The wolf spider has a distinctive set of six ‘eyes’ at the fore of its body. Typical symptoms of a wolf spider bite include some itching and pain.
Tips on avoiding spider bites.
Suggestions include:
Always wear gloves, long trousers, and shoes while gardening.
Wear shoes when walking around in the garden.
Inspect any suspected spider web or lair with a stick (or something similar), not your hands.
Shake out shoes before you put them on.
Don’t leave clothes on the floor – if you do, shake them out before you put them on.
Instruct children not to touch spiders.
Don’t assume that a spider at the bottom of a swimming pool is dead. Some spiders can survive on an air bubble for 24 hours or more.

South Australia

Western Australia


New South Wales